The image features a Holga 120N medium format film camera, modified to shoot 35mm film. This classic black camera has an optical lens with a focal length of 60mm and an aperture of f/8. The body of the camera is held closed with Velcro, which has handwritten text in yellow. On the left side, it says "Changes the world" and on the right side, it says "This Machine." Additionally, the viewfinder is covered with black tape. The camera is set against a black-and-white patterned surface, and the overall appearance of the camera is rugged and well-used, reflecting its role as a tool for creative and experimental photography

I started out my career as a photographer wanting to become a retoucher, and I was obsessed with perfection. But, perfection is BORING!

Photogenic Alchemy started out with a modified toy camera. I had converted a Holga to shoot 35mm film. I’d take it with me 24/7 and shot whatever I felt was interesting.

At the same time the series started, I was coming out a deep depression. I was terrified by everything, was agoraphobic, and couldn’t even get out of bed; let alone live in the seemingly bleak world that was out there for me. So I decided ENOUGH! Enough of the fear. Enough of the self-loathing. Enough of the isolation.

I left my self-made prison to explore the world around me. At a quarter century old, I felt like a kid again. Everything was new and everything was a possibility. I shot this new fascinating world taking street photos and landscapes.

However, the images were still bland to me. It came to a point where I wanted to explore the medium of film itself. I embarked on a journey that has led me here. Where is here? Here is a place full of what ifs. What if I electrified my film and then froze it afterward? What if I introduced absinthe to the emulsion? What if I was to soak the film in Ambien before I shot it?

Photogenic Alchemy is an exercise in controlled chaos and a study in the science of art. By breaking down silver salts and celluloid to its elemental form, I’ve created a dark and gritty apocalyptic world. It is a world that seems to be dissolving right before our eyes. Toxic and fascinating, each new roll of film left me intrigued. I couldn’t wait to try the next substance on my ever-increasing list.

Check out the whole series below.